The Last Of Us Review – Game Series Explained Positive and Negative – Gametoworld 2

The Last Of Us Review HBO –




The Last Of Us Review

I have seen this series complete and now I am telling you guys through my review whatever has been a good or bad experience of watching this series.


I already know everything about the world of Clash of the series because I have played the Last of us game and he episode that was closed was a great star in my eyes.


And now that I have seen this series completely, I will just tell you that The Last of Series is one of the best drama series of this year, this series star two in thrilling heartbreaking heart touching emotional roller coaster Ride Hai Yeh Ek Well Written Velez Acute Ad Post Apocalypse Drama Almost Every Episode Of This Series Has A Very Good Emotional Weight.


You must watch episode 1 of this series it will give you a tremendous action sequence as well as what happens with Joel and his daughter will hit you emotionally.


The Last Of Us Review of Episode 2

And then in episode 2 what will happen with the character of Test will also hit you emotionally and then the end of episode 3 which is Bill and Prem Qawali episode will bring tears to your eyes and in episode five Henry and Sam episode you will A tremendous action sequence will be seen and then the ending of that episode will also hit you emotionally.


But the episode 1 of this The Last Of Us Review series is in my view the best episode of the entire series whatever Ellie will be doing in that episode or whatever is happening to her is emotionally intense and thrilling to watch and episode eight Thatlo ending changes Ali’s character forever. In fact, there you get a glimpse of the style you’ll see leading into season two.


Which is the last episode of this series, which is the lucky episode, in that episode, in fact, Joe adopts Leli as his own daughter and to save her, he starts killing people one by one and seeing all that, you will have a lot of fun. Will come and then come to jesus point episode 9.


After that you will definitely want to see season 2 of this thing which is a very good thing


The Last Of Us Review Conclusion-


So overall the drama of the series is tremendous, the character development of this series is tremendous, you will go on getting emotionally wasted in Joel and Lee and their journey, and apart from that, you will like some characters in this series, with whom your Emotional connection will be built within less time, which is a very good thing.


The music of this show, the overall production design, everything is outstanding, now talking about the weak points of this series, the one thing I felt a little lacking is that.


Negative Point Of The Last Of Us Review


In this series, we did not get to see a proper balance between drama and action, there is more drama in this series, which is tremendous, but action should have been a little more than that, you can click and show a little more in this series, which that is not shown yet let’s hope that in season two we will see a good balance between drama and action then i will rate this season of same thing 9 out of 10 because in my view this is a show and you guys Highly recommend that if you guys like to watch survival drama then dear show you guys must watch and enjoy

The Last Of Us Review Postive Point

And yes, the story is not over yet in Season One, season two of this thing will come to confirm, HBO has already announced officially and this is not for watching with family because in this series you will get to see some adult scenes.

How was our The Last Of Us Review.

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